Equestrian Relationships Coaching
Helping balance and align horse and human so that they move through emotional barriers and create a trusting and connected relationship
"Our horse shows us a
window into our soul.
We can choose to either
close the blinds, or look inside."
Personal Coaching & Development
Understanding & Knowledge
Attunement & consent
Nervous System regulat
The power of relationship
Relationships provide the foundations for everything in our lives.
They shape how we see and feel the world.
In the horse world, the importance of relationship is often overlooked, with a focus on more physical measures of success. You are encouraged to push and do whatever means necessary to achieve your goals.
But with all this focus on 'doing', it can be frustrating and overwhelming when things
don't feel right or go to plan.
You aren't always given the resources to understand why, or what you can do about it!
But you CAN do something about it!
And the secret lies in the relationship...
When we work together, we strip it back to reveal the foundations that everything else is built on.
So, by understanding how a relationship works, balancing & aligning it's components, you are able to build from the 'bottom up', and create the trusting and connected bond you dream of where you & your horse are partners, friends and safe spaces for each other​