Personal Transformational
With the wisdom of the horse
Are you ready to finally make shifts in your life that feel meaningful and aligned to what's important to you? To stop dreading everyday and start moving towards a life that you are excited to live, and finally feel that heaviness subside to feel light, empowered and TRUE TO YOU? Coaching can offer you a safe space with the support & tools so that you can expand and move forwards with what is important to you!
Improve Relationships
Deepen your understanding of yourself & others
Feel Empowered
Facilitate growth
Grow inner resources & regulation
Press pause and reset.
How can coaching help me?
“The mind that holds the problem, holds the answer”
Coaching is widely recognised as one of the most effective personal and professional development interventions, and is a conversation between coach and coachee.
To me, coaching is a conversation of courage, compassion and curiosity between coach and client, in which the client has the space to explore their thoughts, feelings, perspectives, narratives and behaviours through a different lens. To reflect, process, look forwards and create meaningful shifts in their inner & outer world.
Coaching can help you grow self understanding and awareness, improve relationships, facilitate learning and development, expand your nervous system regulation & resources and emotional capacity.
And can provide a transformational opportunity to press pause and check in with where you are at, and ask yourself some important questions. What is aligned for you, how you want to move forwards, what you want to achieve and how you want to feel? It is a constructive and expansive space where you will have support, space and tools to make meaningful change in your life and relationships with yourself and others.
Coaching is about supporting you to find your own answers, wisdom and MAGIC. It is about facilitating your process, and partnering with you to access and grow what is already within.
Imagine having a space where you are heard, can express yourself without judgement, and be supported to discover the next piece of your jigsaw puzzle!
If you are saying hells yes, perhaps coaching is for you!
What makes this coaching space unique, is that in our sessions we will bring in the wisdom of the horse and the influence of animals. Animals have a profound way of holding a mirror to us, and showing us more than what we see through human eyes. In our sessions together, we will bring in the energy of the animal you feel most drawn to, and explore what they have to share at different moments.​​​​​
The wisdom of the horse
Why bring the wisdom of horses & animals to coaching?
Horses offer a window to your soul. You can either look inside, or close the blinds.
Horses are deeply feeling sentient beings, who are wildly misunderstood by humankind. This is why they offer powerful realities for us to reflect on.
1) Only domesticated horses hold trauma, Wild horses do not. They reveal the limitations and narratives of the human world, and provide insight into the edges of our own ways of thinking, and offer us instead a path of change & freedom.
2) We too have wild & intuition within that is strong, gentle and grounded in connection to self & others. Horses are their own unique individuals, who also have meaningful connections with their herd. They provide us a unique insight into being our own individuals, but also honouring our deepest need as social mammals to feel seen, heard and understood.
They show us what is ours to keep, and what was never ours in the first place.
3) Horses reveal our inner states. They are truthful in their reflections, and the most honest and humbling teachers. Only when we are able to be present, open to connection and feel safe, will they feel safe with us too.
You may feel a connection to an animal, and this animal will have it’s own lessons and gifts to bring you. You are invited to bring them with you for your coaching journey and beyond.

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