Personal Coaching
Finally feel like you again.
Supporting you to shift what's holding you back in your life and relationships.
So you can start
Equestrian Relationships
Move beyond training, and experience your horse for who they really are. Shift your understanding and approach to prioritise co-regulation and attunement with one another
Equine Emotional Release
A session for your horse to be heard and process what they are carrying and integrate past traumas. To build a inner confidence, regulation and can feel more free and more themselves.
Education & Workshops
Get empowered with new tools, resources and knowledge.
Hey! I am Cat
I am a fully certified personal & professional coach, passionate about supporting people to overcome blocks with themselves and their horse, through growth, regulation and release and create a balanced, safe and trusting relationship together. Where they can be more authentically themselves and understand, communicate and connect with each other on a whole new level.
I also support folks who aren't horse owners, to feel more empowered, free and regulated in their lives and relationships. We will bring in the presence of the horse, with their wisdom and lessons to help facilitate and guide the process.
As a coach I am warm, kind and use my spontaneity and empathy to guide and support clients to go on an engaging journey of self discovery, with compassion and curiosity.
With horses I am soft, open, grounded and attuned, going as slowly as they need me to, listening carefully, and prioritising a relationship focused approach. I strip things back and support primarily on the ground and my intention is always to honour their truth, and help them feel seen & heard. Even when it is uncomfortable!​ I have a nervous system & trauma informed approach.
My main influences are: horses, the nervous system, attunement, mindfulness, choice, psychology (especially neuroscience and attachment), and elements of spirituality.
Relationships coaching is for humans who would like to understand themselves more deeply.
Improves Relationships
Grows inner safety & resourcefulness
Deepens Understanding
Of the self, relaitonships and the wider world
Facilitates change
I fell in love with horses at 3 years old, begging my parents to pull over to let me feed apples to them on our way home. I was drawn to how powerful yet gentle, peaceful and present they were.
When I started riding lessons (after much begging!), something strange happened. My gentle touch turned hard, my respect and admiration skewed into expectation and force. I was taught to pull, kick, to override my own feelings in order to 'get the most' out of the horse I was riding. I would hear things like...
"Show them who is boss"
"If they say no give them a smack!"
This meant the more I was around horses, the less I knew, the harder I became, the more I asked and the less they wanted to be near me. Relationship was only spoken about in order to get something from the horse, rather than give back.
So when I got my own horse Reggie at 15, he gave me a taste of humble pie. Our relationship did NOT look like the ones in the films, and the more I practiced what I had been taught, the more our relationship and communication deteriorated. Reggie didn’t care that I ‘owned him’, instead he responded to who I was being and behaving in the moment, shining a light onto my blocks, triggers and incongruencies. I couldn’t find a way to communicate with him without leaving both of us frustrated, dysregulated and confused, I felt completely disempowered, out of answers and didn't know who to turn to.
Things had to change.
After some dark nights of the soul, I started to realise that I was part of the problem. Reggie wasn't 'naughty' he was misunderstood, and I needed look in the mirror first in order to change my relationship from the inside out. I carried internal stresses, pressures, conditioning and stories that came through in the relationship I cherished most. But if I was part of this problem, I was also part of the solution. I wanted more resources, support, self awareness and emotional regulation to feel empowered in this journey but didn't know how or where to find it.
Reggie also brought his own stories and challenges to the relationship. He too needed support and guidance to feel safer in himself, with me and in the human world. His experience with humans was one of force and negativity, where they let him down and didn't listen, and had much to process about his journey to feel and show up without his blocks taking over his present experience.
So, I pulled my socks up and studied Psychology, sought different methods based on understanding, met an incredible mentor and moved from being my pony's worst nightmare to best friend. With each challenge another layer shedded for both of us. The more we didn’t fit the mould and let go of outer expectations, the deeper our relationship became.
Because contrary to what we are taught, relationship is our deepest need as social mammals, and can be more valuable to our wellbeing than food or water. Relationships that feel safe are what soothes and regulates our nervous systems, helps us be our truest self, and opens the door for:
Processing & Healing
If this is what we & our horses need the most, why is it the last thing we learn?
My journey moved in and out of horses, but kept coming back to relationships. I brought learnings with me from every corner, including being a teacher, a volunteer sports psychologist for a charity football team in Ghana, helping to emotionally rehabbing 5 horses in the Ghanaian mounted regiment, and working with countless horses and humans along the way.
What kept shining through was:
When we take responsibility of creating our own inner safety, we become a safe and regulating space for ourselves and others.
The more we work on our component, the more we shift the relationship as a whole.
This came full circle during my training as an equine massage therapist, when I started noticing the visceral responses when helping horses feel safe, seen and heard. Their nervous system could finally let go, because they weren't worried about what was being asked of them, and just having a space held for them. Because they too are carrying their own burdens, stories and feeling of being misunderstood, often far greater than our own. It's time we took a breath and started to ask them what they need, and hold a safe space for them.
The Nervous System & an attunement based approach became a core influence in all areas of work and life, and something I will be forever passionate about sharing with clients and weaving into my own work.
So, let’s be courageous enough to look in the mirror, and start from there. Relationships are the core of who we are, and they have the power to connect us across species, time and space. This is your time to start cleaning the dust that gets in the way, because when we start with the space we hold, we can change our world.​
When I am not working, I am walking the downs with my rescue Cob Indi, exploring wild Wales or swimming in the sea.​​
Cat x
Coaching with Cat has improved the things I once didn’t know and learned to be kind to myself for not knowing, but excited now that I know more! I see a huge difference in my horse with my new knowledge by always putting our relationship first and listening to her
I had a feeling of being ‘stuck’ and unable to move forwards in certain areas of my life. I was introduced to Cat and it straight away felt like she understood me and helped spin my life around in the best possible way. We looked into the relationship I had with myself, identifying what felt ‘stuck’ and ‘uncomfortable’. The support, techniques and overall holistic approach Cat took transformed how I was feeling and led me to reconnect with my true self. I now feel like I’m following my heart, I have a renewed spark and I have worked through areas that whilst challenging to address have led me to happiness in myself.
I had a tapping session with Cat to help with my fear of heights! She was super helpful and listened fully, helping me to unravel things that were jumbled up and allowing me to see the whole picture more clearly. She validated my experience and helped me to see myself in a more positive, integrated and kind way. The tapping was easy to follow and she also gave me a lovely recording to take away, so that I could continue to help myself with this technique. I've no idea how tapping works!, but it really does and I whole heartedly recommend Cat, who is warm, thoughtful and extremely personable. Thank-you Cat!